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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the origin of the name "Yerengal"?
It comes from the expression Yer-En-Gal, which means "World of the Sun" in the old language of Deroni Elves (a playable race in Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness).
Who is Böor?
Böor is the god of cold, father to the Keeper of the Peaceful Winter and other demigods.
Can you give me a list of features? What platforms do you support? Can you provide further samples of game art, NPCs, world map etc.?
Check out the Features and Novelties pages. Moreover, you can also read the story of the game, and see some famous characters.
What rule system does the game use?
Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness uses its own rule system. Even though this results in unique features, game mechanics are akin to those found in many other role-playing games. You start with character generation, gain experience points during gameplay and combat, allocate various things (such as skill points) at level-up, etc.
Read more about Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness
  Famous Characters
  Spell System
  Creation Myth

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